Sunday, October 25, 2009

Marietta Coyote Attack October 22, 2009 @ 6am

Hello All,

I wanted to broadcast my story in hopes to promote awareness about the Coyote problems in the Cobb County area.

For those who don't want the read the entire story, please be aware:

1) Coyotes CAN jump fences that are 5 feet tall.
2) Coyotes are not afraid of lit back yards
3) Coyotes are in populated busy residential areas in Marietta, GA.

Please take action to protect your pet!

My story:

There are been several reports of coyote sitings in the Marietta area but I never thought that my pet was in danger.

I live in a townhome community right off of Delk and Powers Ferry Rd and felt the stories of coyote attacks would never affect my life until October 22, 2009 at 6am. My alarm clock woke me up and as I was lying in bed I heard a cat cry from my back yard. I thought at first that it wasn't my cat because she doesn't hardly make any noise, but then had a second thought because the cry was a quiet cry that sounded like her faint meow. I jumped out of bed to look out of the window and expected to see another cat in my FENCED back yard trying to start a fight with my non-aggressive kitty. The horror that I witnessed has scarred me for life. Two large coyotes were hovering over my precious little girl. I screamed and banged on the window and ran down to rescue her.
When I reached the downstairs door, the coyotes were still in my fenced yard so I banged on the door window and flung the door open very quickly to startle them. They quickly jumped over the 5 foot fence with ease and ran away. I was too late. My kitty was still breathing but sustained severed damage to the head and passed away on the way to the ER Vet clinic.

I am still in shock that I had 2 coyotes in my tiny backyard. My kitty has been living in the back yard for 3 years and I never imagined that something like this would have happened. My worst fear was that an aggressive cat would come in the yard and try to pick a fight, never this. I also always left my back porch light on to deter any predators that could jump the fence. I never knew that coyotes could jump fences and had I known, I would have locked her kitty door at night to keep her inside. The vet at the ER clinic said that the coyotes are getting more aggressive and I think this is a perfect example. Entering a fenced, lighted, populated area is alarming and needs to be communicated to the community. People need to know the behaviors of these dangerous predators to protect their loved ones. I would hate for anyone else to experience the traumatic event I experienced Thursday morning. Its something that will haunt me for a long time.

I hope you can find a way to promote awareness and save the life of a pet and maybe help prevent further aggressiveness. The last thing we want to see is a child being attacked by a coyote.

Thank you for your time and PLEASE post any information you have about coyotes,
Jennifer Gleaton